Tuesday, May 31, 2011

My lil Man....

Lazarus is so funny. He loves to water the flowers I have on the window sill in the kitchen. Well I am not the best at growing flowers or plants or really anything so I have one flower that LJ brought home from church one wednesday night and it is about dead. But we keep watering it hoping that it will come alive any day now. But no it is probably on it's last leaf. But while he was watering this morning he said. "The flower is dead but I water it Mommy." I was laughing so hard.. That's my lil man. He is such a joy in my life. I don't deserve these great kids but Thank you God for allowing me to be their mom anyway...

Finally a day of rest...

Well it seems we are on slow down mode around here. The last two weeks we have been so busy.
Sydnee had softball spring team practice and games and then travel softball practice
and games almost everyday for the last two weeks.

And she turned 10 on May 22. I still can't believe our oldest is 10 now. My baby is growing up..(excuse me while I wipe the tears).. I took her to Gaylord Opryland Hotel and stayed 1 night for her birthday cause she had a game on her birthday which she didn't mind. She loved it. I will post all about her birthday girl's night later. It was so much fun.. She had a blast... And we both will remember it forever.. I am so luck to be blessed to be her Mother. God blessed me which such great kids..

Lily graduated from Preschool and had her last soccer game.

And LJ is stuck being surrounded by girls all the time. My poor lil man.. He is such a trooper..
 He will be surrounded by girls for a long time so he should get use to it...
Well at least he has got a bunch of cupcakes from all the girl's activities..

Well I jut found out we have 2 softball games tonight for my hubby's team.
Well that is life in the Frakes house we live at the ball field.
And we wouldn't have it any other way. We love Softball and Baseball.
Soon we will have 3 kids playing ball. What a time we will have...

Monday, May 30, 2011

Learning to love to clean...

Well I am trying to get into the swing of things. This is so new to me. I am excited but scare at the same time. It's like learning to ride your bike or start school you are so excited but nervous at the same time. You don't want to mess up cause you know if you do it won't be pretty. I have realized I have no idea how I got everything done and worked a full time job. But I am seeing that I didn't get everything done I just put things off...

Here is where I am starting on this journey. I had planned on having 2 weeks while the kids were still in school and at the babysitter that I would get so much done on deep cleaning and organizing the house. Wrong.. Things came up and no go on my plans. They flew out the window. But oh well that is LIFE I am learning. You have tomorrow to start again.

Well I have decided to start small. I am going to start by cleaning one room at a time and then once the house is clean I will start on organizing and decluttering everything. Don't rush take your time. If it's only 15 mins or an hour a day at least you are trying... I am learning that you can't overwhelm yourself if you do it will not get done.

Visit some blogs and get some ideas. Here are a few I am loving right now...

This is from Just a girl blog. This is her laundry room.
I want to run out to dollar tree and buy all kinds of storage baskets and jars right now....

Here is her bathroom cabinet. I am so doing this tomorrow.
I have so much stuff that we don't need under our cabinets.

Well I hope these will inspire you like they inspire me. I am getting things together and I will be posting allot more of the rooms I am getting in order. I feel God is saying to simply to me and I am doing just that.

Just Diana

Hi I am Diana. I am a wife of Kelly and mother of the 3 Frakes kids. We make up the Frakes 5. This blog will be alittle bit of everything. I just became a stay at home mom and I will be posting on how I am becoming the wife and mother I want to be. God has blessed me in making my dream of staying at home with my kids a reality and I am so thrilled to get started. Please join me on this wild adventure. So if you are in the same boat as me I hope I can help in someway make your transition alittle be easier.