Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Finally a day of rest...

Well it seems we are on slow down mode around here. The last two weeks we have been so busy.
Sydnee had softball spring team practice and games and then travel softball practice
and games almost everyday for the last two weeks.

And she turned 10 on May 22. I still can't believe our oldest is 10 now. My baby is growing up..(excuse me while I wipe the tears).. I took her to Gaylord Opryland Hotel and stayed 1 night for her birthday cause she had a game on her birthday which she didn't mind. She loved it. I will post all about her birthday girl's night later. It was so much fun.. She had a blast... And we both will remember it forever.. I am so luck to be blessed to be her Mother. God blessed me which such great kids..

Lily graduated from Preschool and had her last soccer game.

And LJ is stuck being surrounded by girls all the time. My poor lil man.. He is such a trooper..
 He will be surrounded by girls for a long time so he should get use to it...
Well at least he has got a bunch of cupcakes from all the girl's activities..

Well I jut found out we have 2 softball games tonight for my hubby's team.
Well that is life in the Frakes house we live at the ball field.
And we wouldn't have it any other way. We love Softball and Baseball.
Soon we will have 3 kids playing ball. What a time we will have...

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