Sunday, June 12, 2011

Yes to VBS....

Well it has been so busy around the Frakes house with Softball and more Softball. Our oldest Sydnee is on a travel Softball Team and we have been gone almost everyweekend for the last month. It is fun to see all of the different teams but it is horrible with the heat and being out in the Sun all day. You would pay a million dollars for AC somedays.
Anyways VBS is a week away so I am on crunch time to get everything in order and get our church ready for this fun and crazy week. I have so much to do this week.

I am so into the music this year. I have made one of the songs my theme song.. It is called "Live It Out" and it goes alittle something like this.....
Live it out, Shout It out, Show the world what love is about.

And my two daughters love the song "Love You More". Sydnee likes the part about loving Jesus more then a baseball bat and Lily says one line different from the original line of love you more then my dog and cat cause she thought it said I love you more then a yellow Yak.. And I can't help but laugh cause it is so cute...

And of course my little man's favorite VBS Song is "Yes to VBS".. He puts his own little style on it and it is PRICELESS.... We have wore out 3 VBS CD's listening to his favorite song...

Anyways I hope we reach just one child and one family thru this ministry. I pray that everyone will get a blessing from being in or helping with VBS... And last but not least I pray every VBS in the World touches everyone that is involved...

I will do some previews of how I get our church ready decoration wise and maybe show how I make some stuff for this week... God Bless VBS.....


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